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Tender Notice Jordan Environmental Technologies

Consulting Services, Accompanying Measures to support Water Sector Reforms

Tender Award

  • Country Jordan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201770114/KfW507130; 50/2021/SW
  • Subject Support of Water Sector reforms - Accompanying Measures


The Government of Jordan and some of the major countries in the development cooperation agreed on a number of development policy loans and a water sector reform process addressing the challenges facing the water sector in Jordan. Accompanying measures to support water sector
reforms have been agreed upon between WAJ and KfW and shall be implemented through a special Project Management Unit (PMU). The overall goal of the project is the implementation of reform measures in the water sector of Jordan in order to improve the financial and technical sustainability of the water sector and the sustainable use of water resources with the general objective to achieve an adequate level concerning sustainability in the mid and long term. The Accompanying Measures will be funded by German bilateral co-operation, with KfW as the lending agency and with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Brief description of the Contract:

The Employer is seeking to engage a qualified Consultant to perform the following services:

  • Improvement of the financial management at national level for the utilities in coordination
  • Improvement of operational efficiency of water supply with particular emphasis on NRW
  • Improvement of operation and maintenance of water and waste water infra-structure by implementing BOT projects and increased involvement of the private sector in its operation
  • Improvement of energy efficiency combined with an increased use of renew-able energies
  • Improvement of operational efficiency of sewage disposal
  • Establishment of an Environmental and Social Management System for the water sector
  • Introduction of project management tools

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