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Tender Notice Jordan Waste Water Disposal, Drainage

Consulting Services/Design, Wastewater Network Amman

Tender Award

  • Country Jordan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201867944/KfW505785; No. 36/2020/SW
  • Subject Water Resources Management Programme VI


The Government of the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan has arranged finance from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) towards the costs for implementation of the wastewater networks in South-East Amman.

Brief description of the Contract:

  • The services will cover the conceptual design, final design (partly design review), tender documents (partly review of tender documents) assistance to tendering, construction supervision and assistance during defects notification period for sewer collection systems in the parts of Amman listed below.

    The services of the Consultant will also include to hydraulically verify whether the capacity of existing trunk mains / main sewers is adequate to take the additional flow resulting from the extension / new construction of the sewer system.

    The consultant has to carry out conceptual design, prioritise areas and based on available funds carry-out final design, tender documents, assistance to tendering including assistance during defects notification period.

    One task will cover the implementation of a professional and comprehensive household survey which shall also serve to develop a strategy for connection of households to the new sewer system. Consultants are encouraged to partner with a firm and/or provide the required staffing who avail of the necessary experience in this respect.

    South East Amman, districts of: An Nasr, Marka, Basman, Sahab, Al Qeisma, Abu Alanda, Al Jwayda

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