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Tender Notice Jordan Water Supply, Irrigation

Consulting Services, Feasibility Study for Water Loss Reduction of King Abdullah Canal (KAC)

Tender Award

  • Country Jordan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201867985/KfW506009
  • Subject Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Loss Reduction of King Abdullah Canal (KAC)

Brief description of the Contract:

The Feasibility Study (FS) and Preliminary Design for the selected alternative for “Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Loss Reduction of King Abdullah Canal (KAC)” will be executed by JVA with funding provided by KfW Development Bank. The aim is to identify and compare suitable alternatives to reduce the water losses in KAC by means of a multi-criteria analysis. The most sustainable and efficient measure will be selected and designed during the project. The FS will examine at least the following (list is to be treated indicatively):

Step 1: Baseline
• Basic data assessment and data gap analysis
• Assessment of institutional framework conditions
• Assessment of the existing physical situation of the KAC
• Detailed problem statement including definition of eventual additional surveys (e.g.
structural surveys, flow measurement etc.)
• General description of potential technical alternatives
• Development of a multi-criteria matrix to support informed decision making
• Development of a programme to determine missing design parameters and future
projections, including eventual further surveys
• Perform Baseline Reporting and ‘KAC Baseline Workshop’

Step 2: Assessment of technical Alternatives
• If necessary, carry out further surveys and measurements according to the programme
developed under Step 1
• Conducting project designs for all proposed technical alternatives (level to fulfil
comparison purpose)
• Fill the multi-criteria matrix as per the defined criteria for all potential, technical
alternatives and apply scoring system (including economic and financial aspects)
• Comparison of technical alternatives as per defined criteria and formulation of a clear
• Comparison of the preferred technical alternative with the “no project” scenario
• Perform KAC Technical Alternative Reporting and ‘KAC Technical Alternative Workshop’

Step 3: Feasibility Study & Preliminary Design
• Carry out preliminary design and technical assessment for the selected technical alternative
• In-depth environmental, social and climate due diligence, ESIA
• Detailed financial, operational and institutional assessment
• Detailed risk assessment strategy and mitigation measures
• Development of Implementation and Investment Plan
• Definition of accompanying measures necessary to support sustainability of the intervention
• Perform KAC Feasibility Reporting and ‘KAC Feasibility Workshop’

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