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Tender Notice Jordan Environmental Technologies

Consulting Services, Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems

Tender Award

  • Country Jordan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201668326/KfW503865 - Tender No. 67/2019
  • Subject Adaption to Climate Change - Irrigation Systems - Jordan

Brief description of the Contract:

Rehabilitation of irrigation systems in Southern Ghor, North Ghor and North-East Ghor Region of the Jordan Valley. Rehabilitation of the irrigation project except pumping stations and farm units’ intakes in order to raise the efficiency of the project, water saving, and proper use for water to Improve the performance of irrigation network and increasing efficiency of water distribution.

  • Irrigation networks: approximate length 87 km; 168 km and 110 km; Consulting Services: Final design, assistance to tendering, construction supervision, assistance during defect notification period;
  • Construction of Storage Reservoir for Reclaimed Water with a total capacity of (30,000 m³); Consulting Services: Final design, assistance to tendering, construction supervision, assistance during defect notification period;

  • Construction of a DN 800 ductile iron pipe for reclaimed water over 3 km; Consulting Services: Final design, assistance to tendering, construction supervision, assistance during defect notification period

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