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Tender Notice Jordan Vocational Education

Technical Equipment and Furniture for Vocational Training Institutes

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Jordan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201767839/KfW508318; 08/2022
  • Subject Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Phase I and Accompanying Measure - Procurement of Technical Equipment and Furniture for 2 Vocational Training Institutes (VTIs) in Irbid, Jordan


Supply of complex equipment and furniture groups for training workshops and laboratories of various manufacturers based on technical specifications in the fields of metal mechanics, electrical/electronics, IT, automotive

Delivery of:

  • Furniture for technical and general purposes
  • Networked IT equipment with specified applications
  • Technical equipment for training workshops (metal mechanics, electrical/electronics, IT, automotive)
  • Assembly and installation of the equipment as required
  • Commissioning of the equipment and staff operation & maintenance (O&M) training as required
  • Follow-up support and provision of warranty and other after-sales services

Lot 1:

  • General and Technical Furniture: General furniture without special technical accessories (e.g. chairs, tables, cabinets, transport trolleys). Technical furniture with low requirements for additional technical accessories (e.g. computer tables with PC holder and power strip)

Lot 2:

  • IT Equipment: Personal computers, note books, printers, plotters, 3-D printers, smartboards, data projectors, drawing tablets, desktop visualizers, scanners, IT network components

Lot 3:

  • Training Equipment and Furniture, Machinery, Tools, Instruments: Specialized training equipment (e.g. boards, simulators) and specialized furniture for training in the areas of i) information technology, ii) electrical, iii) electronics, iv) metal mechanics, and v) automotive engineering. Additionally machine tools, hand and power tools, measuring instruments, and industrial components

Project executing agency: Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II Technical University (HTU), Amman, Jordan

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