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Tender Notice Jordan Project Management, Evaluation

Consulting Services for Management and Evaluation Consultant (Water Sector)


  • Country Jordan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202267243/KfW511431; 30/2024
  • Subject Results-based Financing in the water sector II


As response to the to the financial and operational challenges in Jordan, the German Government, through KfW Development Bank, has supported the Jordanian Government since 2021 with a “Results-based Financing” (RBF) grant. RBF was set up as a funds for small to medium-scale gap-filling investments to improve the performance of the existing infrastructure. As of now, the RBF will enter its second phase (“RBF II”) and will be divided into two components: 

• C1: Small to medium gap-filling investments with an overall financing volume of 10 million EUR, forming the scope of the current Consultant’s assignment. 

• C2: Operational support to existing wastewater treatment plants, 10 million EUR. Not included in the current Consultant’s assignment. 

In terms of a results-based approach, C1 of RBF II shall follow an output-based financing. A part of the rewards shall be paid upon outputs after year 3. Another part shall be paid upon performance in year 4 (optional).


Requested Services:

Management and Evaluation Consultant

Task 1: Programme Management
• Review the current programme and define lessons-learnt to be implemented into the current 
• Review the existing programme guidelines defining selection of measures and processes 
developed in Phase 1
• Support in selection of measures for Phase 2
• Continuous programme management and continuous support in using/applying the programme
• Support in all donor-related communication and preparation of annual or semi-annual 
disbursement requests

Task 2: Verification of the achieved results (Evaluation), see figure above
• End-of project visit: output verification
• Optional: Verification of results after 1 year of operation, outcome verification

Task 3: Punctual Assistance to Water Utilities (WU)
Support WU in implementing the measures. It is not intended to provide a comprehensive Technical Assistance, but to give punctual assistance input. Punctual assistance measures could be:
o support the development of ideas including calculation of expected results
o support in developing working steps and implementation plans for implementation of 
o support to tendering of investments
o support to environmental and social requirements
o support in reporting and preparing proof documents (e.g. develop appropriate standard 
documents which support the WU/WAJ to present obtained results in written form 
supported by a standardized photo or video-documentation in an easy-to-follow-format 
o Active review of milestones, give critical input to milestone reports/outputs
o support after intermediate site visits

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