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Tender Notice Colombia Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure

Consulting Services, Construction/Rehabilitation of Rural Roads

Tender Award

  • Country Colombia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201868033/KfW505256
  • Subject Pilot Program of Priority Investments in PDET Municipalities

Brief description of the Contract:

Within the framework of this Program of the German Official Financial Cooperation with Colombia, the German Development Bank (KfW Entwicklungsbank) is financing investments in the public tertiary road network in three municipalities of the Department of Caquetá and additional measures to ensure its efficient implementation and the strengthening of the capabilities of the participating institutions.

The objective of the Program is to improve living conditions and social cohesion of the population in the selected municipalities of the Development Program with Territorial Approach (PDET municipalities).

Program measures:

The Program will include: (i) Investments in prioritized infrastructure; (ii) institutional strengthening and (iii) consulting services to support the FCP and the Territory Renewal Agency (ART) in the implementation and monitoring of the Program

Requested consulting services:

  • Support to the FCP and ART in the planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and systematization of the Program
  • Support to the FCP and ART in compliance with the three frameworks: (1) Environmental and Social Management Framework; (2) Framework for Consultation with Interested Parties; (3) Resettlement Policy Framework for the Program
  • Support to the FCP and ART in the development of the Program Operational Manual
  • Support to the FCP and ART in the prioritization and selection of investments in infrastructure and in the definition of specific technical works, considering the initial prioritization of initiatives provided by ART
  • Support to the FCP and ART in the definition and implementation of institutional strengthening measures
  • etc.

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