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Tender Notice Kosovo Financial Services

Consulting Services, MSME Support/Green Finance

Tender Award

  • Country Kosovo
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201768944/KfW507962
  • Subject KCGF - Covid-19: Green Recovery (Component 2)

Brief description of the Contract:

The Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF) aims to improve access to finance for micro-, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) through the provision of guarantees to local partner financial institutions (PFIs) since 2016. The present Project aims to deploy further grant funding provided by BMZ via KfW in 2021 for guarantees and technical assistance measures to support MSMEs towards a green economic recovery from the pandemic and to relaunch growth with a specific focus on supporting energy efficiency, resource efficiency and renewable energy investments by MSMEs (“Green Investments”).

Requested Services:

  • The Services comprise two types of technical assistance (TA) measures: Firstly, capacity building for KCGF and financial institutions to enhance availability of financing for Green Investments and, secondly, support for MSMEs to increase uptake of that financing for Green Investments. For both types of TA, tasks will first include an assessment of the situation, a gap analysis with respect to what has been developed under previous TA and defining complementary and focused TA activities under this Project. Secondly, tasks include deployment and follow-up. In addition, the Services include a set of project administrative tasks throughout both phases.   

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