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Tender Notice Kosovo Heating

Supply and Installation, District Heating System Pristina

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Kosovo
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number Ref: 504743- Tender No. 1; BMZ201667575/KfW504743
  • Subject Development of Energy Sector VIII – Improvement of District Heating System Pristina

Interested contractors are invited to participate in the prequalification for the execution of works related to the Procurement of Contract 1 - Supply and Installation of Heat Storage, Thermal Substations, Chemical Water Treatment and SCADA, a project of Termokos SH.A.  Pristina, Kosovo, financed through German Financial Cooperation (KfW).

The planned construction period incl. commissioning is from 05/2020 to 05/2022 followed by a 12 months Defects Notification Period.

The main works to be constructed under this project are:

- Section 1: Construction and installation of heat storage system, water treatment and dosing system, SCADA integration of the new systems and the existing DH network pumps, 3rd TP (transmission pipeline)  pump, upgrade of pressure maintenance system

- Section 2: Rehabilitation of existing substations (IHS), Installation of new substations (network densification and extension)

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