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Tender Notice Lebanon Primary School, High School Education

Consulting Services for School Construction (Education Programme)


  • Country Lebanon
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201868629/KfW511105
  • Subject Education Programme Lebanon

Project Measures: 

To support the Lebanese government  in its efforts to provide formal education to all children  in the country, the Project concerns the construction of  new public-school infrastructure (either greenfield or in  exceptional cases  the extension of  existing buildings)  in  Phase  I  of  the  project  and  school  extension  of  existing buildings only in Phase II, including adequate  furnishing  and  equipment  as  well  as  associated  consulting  services  (including  broader  technical  assistance / capacity support for the PEA) to improve  the  overall  quality  of  school  infrastructure.  At  least 
4,000  additional  school  places  are  to  be  created  as  part  of  the  Project.  The  type  of  school  (pre-school,  primary  and  secondary  school  or  a  combination  thereof)  depends  on  the  respective  needs.  With  the  budget available for construction measures in Phase I,  it  is  envisaged  to  build/extend  at  least  four  new  schools  (overall  additional  schooling  places:  4.000),  whereas  in  Phase  II  the  extension  of  at  least  two  schools    including  school  furniture  and  equipment  is  envisaged.  

Requested Services: 

In  the preparation,  implementation  and monitoring of the individual project measures in all  technical  and  financial  matters.  This  includes  the  selection of  the  school  sites  (incl. back up  sites),  the  design, detailed  technical planning,  the  tendering and  awarding  of  the construction services as well as supplies,  the  construction  supervision  including  compliance  with  environmental  and  social  standards  and  the  final  acceptance,  including monitoring during  the  defects  liability  period.  In  addition,  the  IC  shall  support  the  PEA  in  the  preparation  of  sustainable  school  operations  and  where  necessary  in  capacity  building. It is envisaged that the IC from Phase I of the  Project  shall  also  implement  Phase  II  (optional  services).

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