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Tender Notice Malawi Building Construction

Consultancy Services, Construction of 100 Learning Centres

Tender Award

  • Country Malawi
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201868173
  • Subject Unlocking Talent E-Learning for Primary Education Project

Brief description of the contract:

Third-party construction consultancy services to oversee the construction of 100 learning centres in Malawi

The Consultant will be responsible for the overall successful implementation of the construction of 100 Learning Centres according to VSO Malawi’s specifications. The responsibilities will include but will not be limited to;

· Managing the overall delivery of the works, taking responsibility for overall progress and initiating corrective action where necessary

· Assisting VSO with tender proceedings to identify suitable service providers (contractors, fabricators, service engineers and other trades people) for the successful construction of the Learning Centres.

· Managing and supervising the construction of the Learning Centres

· Monitoring and evaluating performance of service providers and certifying payments on behalf of VSO Malawi

· Managing and reviewing the overall quality of the works and ensuring that the beneficiaries accept the completed works. The quality of the works should reflect those standards defined within the contract drawings and managed in line with the regulatory requirements

· Providing VSO Malawi with technical solutions to challenges encountered during the construction of the Learning Centres

· Ensuring the construction of the Learning Centres is within eight (8) months and financial budget

· Managing the information flows between service providers and VSO Malawi as well as providing VSO Malawi with regular progress reports on the construction of the Learning Centres

· Advising VSO Malawi on issues that may impact on the achievement of planned project outcomes including issues of sustainability and post construction maintenance

· Managing budgets, cash flow and obligations to ensure that planned outcomes are achieved and payments to contractors and personnel are received on time

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