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Tender Notice Malawi Education

Implementation Consultant (Firm), Education Sector Projects

Tender Award

  • Country Malawi
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201767615
  • Subject Technical Implementation Consultant (Firm) for the Education Services Joint Fund, Malawi

Brief description of the Contract:

To support the Government of Malawi’s efforts in implementing the Education Sector Implementation Plan II and successor plans, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) together with a group of Development Partners (DPs) have established a new funding mechanism, the Education Services Joint Fund (ESJF). The ESJF is designed to receive funding from multiple DPs and use elements of Government systems, such as planning, budgeting, procurement and reporting, while maintaining a parallel funding flow with strong fiduciary and procurement oversight and controls. In this connection, the objective of the project is to support MoEST through a multi-skilled firm, here-in referred to as Technical Implementation Consultant (TIC), broadly responsible for the identification, procurement, project management, and quality control of the projects funded through ESJF.

The main contributions of the TIC will consist in the following tasks:

  • Support in the identification, prioritization, development and technical planning and design of suitable activities;

  • Support in tendering processes;

  • Support in technical implementation of selected activities;

  • Ensure adherence and compliance of activities with national and international environmental, social health and safety (ESHS) standards;

  • Support in project’s record keeping;

  • Support in reporting.

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