Tender Notice Malawi Software
IT Consulting for the Social Cash Transfer Programme
Tender Award
Aug 11, 2023
- Country Malawi
- Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
- Reference Number BMZ201967405/KFW509055
- Subject Social Cash Transfer Programme
Brief description of the Contract:
The Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) is a programme within the framework of the National Social Support Policy, making regular unconditional cash transfers to Malawi households, deemed to be ultra-poor and labour constrained. The goal of the programme is enhancing the resilience of the most vulnerable households in Malawi. The SCTP is funded through contributions by the Malawi Government, German Development Cooperation, the EU Delegation, Irish Aid, and the World Bank. The Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare is the project executing agency, responsible for the implementation of the SCTP, including the overall administration, management, monitoring and co-ordination of the programme, and ensuring that programme activities are mainstreamed into government's service delivery system.
The purpose of this tender to contract an IT consultant to continue the ongoing efforts to manage and upgrade the SCTP management information system (MIS), used to administer the cash flows and payments in all 28 districts of Malawi.
Requested Services:
- Technical maintenance of the SCTP-MIS;
- Develop and implement SCTP-MIS upgrades required to improve the existing and add new functionality to the SCTP-MIS, such as e-payments, geographical and category targeting tools, shock responsiveness, and digital dashboard for data visualisation and reporting;
- Integrate the SCTP-MIS with the UBR and other e-payment service provider platforms;
- Support the operation of the SCTP-MIS at central and district level, for example through on-the-job training;
- Digitalize the existing case management tools and migrate the data to the SCTP-MIS.
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