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Tender Notice Mongolia Climate Change

Consulting Services, Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change in Mongolia

Tender Award

  • Country Mongolia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201667054/201868272
  • Subject Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change in Mongolia, Phases II and III

Project Measures:

The objective of the Programme is to enhance the management effectiveness and sustainability of Mongolia’s Protected Area System, and thereby to contribute to the conservation of representative elements of Mongolia’s significant ecosystems, to sustain critical ecosystem services, and to support local livelihoods. Phases II and III of the Programme will complement and build on Phase I, which has been ongoing since 2015.

Requested Consultant services:

The role of the Consultant will be to support the Project Implementation Unit under the PEA with the execution and operation of the Programme. The Consultant will be based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and have an outstation in western Mongolia. The services are to be delivered by a team comprised of long-term and short-term staff. The expected duration of the assignment is seven years.

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