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Tender Notice Namibia Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure

Consulting Services/Feasibility Study, Non-Motorised Transport in Windhoek

Tender Award

  • Country Namibia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202168508
  • Subject Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Non-Motorised Transport Network in Windhoek

Brief description of the Contract:

  • development of a feasibility study for the implementation of a non-motorised transport network in Windhoek

The main objective of the assignment is to determine the feasibility of a non-motorised transport (NMT) network for the City of Windhoek and to pave the way for its implementation. It should enable people to change their mode of transport to cycling and deliver high potentials to reduce CO2 emission.

The study will inter alia identify target groups and quantify potentials, estimate trip volumes and associated CO2 emission reductions, recommend NMT backbone and supplementary networks, establish their key design parameters, assess environmental and social aspects of their implementation and use, provide cost estimates and economic analyses, identify means how to raise NMT awareness and suggest appropriate arrangements, and propose an implementation scheme and timeframe together with priority ranking.


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