Tender Notice Nepal Solar Energy
Consulting Services/Implementation Consultant, Renewable Energy Solar PV
Tender Award
Feb 03, 2023
- Country Nepal
- Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
- Reference Number BMZ201969203/KfW507322
- Subject Promotion of Solar Energy in Rural and Semi-urban Regions II
Brief description of the Contract:
Under the “Promotion of Solar Energy in Rural and Semi-urban Regions II” project (the “Project”), the German Financial Cooperation through KfW will provide a grant of EUR 6 million to co-finance three solar PV plants which will be owned and operated through the National Energy Authority of Nepal (“NEA” / the “Employer”). The plants with an aggregated installed capacity of around 8 MW are located in the Lamjung, Nawalparasi and Surkhet districts adjacent to existing hydropower plants on land already owned by NEA.
Requested Consultant Services: The services procured under this tender (the “Services”) are for an Implementation Consultant with the following responsibilities:
- Support for tendering of works (FIDIC Yellow Book)
- Support for supervision of works, handover, commissioning and DNP
- Support for supervision of ESHS compliance
- Support for financial management of project including disbursement management
- Impact monitoring
- Support for reporting to KfW
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