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Tender Notice Nepal Solar Energy

Consulting Services/Implementation Consultant, Renewable Energy Solar PV

Tender Award

  • Country Nepal
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201969203/KfW507322
  • Subject Promotion of Solar Energy in Rural and Semi-urban Regions II

Brief description of the Contract:

Under the “Promotion of Solar Energy in Rural and Semi-urban Regions II” project (the “Project”), the German Financial Cooperation through KfW will provide a grant of EUR 6 million to co-finance three solar PV plants which will be owned and operated through the National Energy Authority of Nepal (“NEA” / the “Employer”). The plants with an aggregated installed capacity of around 8 MW are located in the Lamjung, Nawalparasi and Surkhet districts adjacent to existing hydropower plants on land already owned by NEA.

Requested Consultant Services: The services procured under this tender (the “Services”) are for an Implementation Consultant with the following responsibilities: 

  1. Support for tendering of works (FIDIC Yellow Book)
  2. Support for supervision of works, handover, commissioning and DNP
  3. Support for supervision of ESHS compliance
  4. Support for financial management of project including disbursement management
  5. Impact monitoring
  6. Support for reporting to KfW

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