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Tender Notice Pakistan Healthcare

Consulting, Implementation Consultant (Digital Healthcare)

Tender Award

  • Country Pakistan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201767300/KfW509233
  • Subject Social Health Protection Initiative Phase III


The overall objective of the “Social Health Protection Initiative”  is to improve the quality and efficiency of the healthcare services in KP and GB region through digitalization. The specific Project objective is to improve access to healthcare and to optimise the utilisation of existing health sector resources through digital transformation of the interaction among all the relevant stakeholders

Brief Description of the Contract:

The Implementation Consultant (IC) procured under this tender shall be responsible for provision of support to the PEAs in overall management, coordination, communication and provision of other technical expertise in relation to the implementation of all components of the Project including:

  1. Assistance to the Employers in the detailed preparation and implementation of the Project 
  2. Design of the IT systems  and support procurement thereof
  3. Design and implementation of training measures and change management for digital health solutions
  4. Provide strategic guidance
  5. Establish data governance standards
  6. Produce manuals, training materials, and ToR
  7. Supervise project implementation
  8. Reporting to KfW

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