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Tender Notice Pakistan E-Government

Consulting Services, Digital Governance Feasibility Study

Tender Award

  • Country Pakistan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number KfW505928
  • Subject Digital Governance in Pakistan

Brief description of the Contract:

The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) is pursuing a digital transformation strategy to lead Pakistan’s digital transformation. The GoKP wishes to invest in digital infrastructure to improve institutional capabilities, resources and capacities with the objective of improving delivery of public services, productivity and citizen engagement. In line with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Digital Policy (2018-2023), the Khyber Pakhtunkwa Information Technology Board’s (KPITB) has been mandated to take strategic leadership for the digital transformation in KP. KfW is considering supporting the GoKP in its digital transformation strategy with a focus in digital / e-governance

Requested Consulting Services:

The Services solicited are for a Feasibility Study which shall demonstrate a technical and financial possible, economically viable and justifiable, and hence overall feasible concept for the sustainable implementation of a potential digital governance project in KP. This will, amongst others, encompass the following tasks:

  • Analyse Pakistan’s and GoKP digital transformation strategy, institutional setup and relevant policies and reforms to digitization and e-governance/e-government;
  • Conduct an in-depth institutional analysis of KPITB with special regard to legal status, mandate, and institutional structure, budget and funding, institutional and human capacity to manage and implement Project including control systems;
  • Determine potential Technical Assistance to KPITB in order to implement the project with special regard to KfW Procurement Guidelines;
  • Assess GoKP’s currently used hardware and e-governance software systems and collect other relevant technical information as required;
  • Identify potential eligible investment measures (data centres, network infrastructure, software etc.) for support under the Project and the detailed investment requirements;

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