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Tender Notice Pakistan Marketing, Market Research

Implementation Consulting, Feasibility Study for a Green Infrastructure Guarantee Facility


  • Country Pakistan
  • Deadline Jul 17, 2024
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202365120
  • Subject Feasibility Study for an Investment in a Green Infrastructure Guarantee Facility in Pakistan

Project Measures: 

The requested Feasibility Study (FS) is part of KfW`s standard due diligence process for new investments and shall support the internal decision making and structuring process. 

The objective of the feasibility study is to conduct a detailed analysis and make recommendations to KfW on how the guarantee facility should be set up and to enable appraisal of the specific Financial Cooperation project in Pakistan. It is also intended that the guarantee facility will be accompanied by Technical Assistance with funds provided by the German Government. The consultant may provide more than one project concept and provide feedback on the advantages of each. The feasibility study shall assess the relevance and institutional and financial viability of the investment, specify the project concept and develop a concrete investment proposal. It is expected that the identified project approach is linked to ongoing initiatives and sector policies of the Pakistani government. Furthermore, it shall be well-aligned with the envisaged future Technical Assistance support and relevant donor activities.


The requested services of the implementation consultant (IC) under this assignment are as follows:

  • Sector analysis including engagement of other donors and target group analysis

  • Supply and demand analysis for green infrastructure projects, considering potential expansion and the facility’s capacity to meet increasing demand

  • Financial viability, sustainability and ability to attract additional funding sources for the guarantee facility

  • Operational efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness, covering key processes like risk assessment, due diligence etc.

  • Regulatory and legal compliance, identifying any challenges that may impact the facility’s operations

  • Social, environmental and governance (ESG) management system review and impact of projects, incl. effects on emissions reduction, renewable energy, biodiversity, and community development as well as gender analysis

  • Financing options proposal for project design, e.g. equity, subordinated loan, convertible loan

  • Institutional assessment of partner, and definition of consultant services.

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