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Tender Notice Paraguay Energy

Consulting Services, Feasibility Study for Cybersecurity in the Energy Infrastructure

Tender Award

  • Country Paraguay
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201868181
  • Subject Feasibility Study: Cybersecurity in the Energy Infrastructure of Paraguay

Brief description of the Contract:

  • development of the technical and economic feasibility study for cybersecurity in the energy infrastructure of Paraguay; Tasks: Collect information on the state of the infrastructure in the field of generation, transmission, distribution, billing and telematics, within the National Interconnected System and international connections, such as binational transmission lines and / or generation plants (Itaipú-Yacyretá); Identify and propose, by analyzing the information, recommendations and practices within the following functions in cyber security of the energy infrastructure: Identification, protection, detection, response and recovery, for the different cyber assets (cyber assets); Develop the necessary requirements so that the energy infrastructure of the energy sector, the convergence and interaction between Information Technologies (IT) and Operation Technologies (OT) that can be established and operate within the ANDE etc.

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