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Tender Notice Peru Urban Development, Rural Development

Consulting Services for Preparation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and Communication and Visibility Activities


  • Country Peru
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ302000651/KfW511855
  • Subject National Sustainable Urban Transport Program (PROMOVILIDAD)


Within the framework of the Official Financial Cooperation between Germany and Peru, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) accepted the Financial Contribution granted by the German Development Bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Development Bank - KfW), as the delegated body of the Latin American Investment Facility (LAIF) of the European Commission to finance studies that develop urban transport systems within the framework of Promobilidad, considered as a whole as the Project and the Project Executing Entity (EEP) being the MTC.

Requested Services:

  • The objective of the Technical Assistance Services is the preparation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for the cities of Chimbote, Chiclayo, and Huancayo, and communication and visibility activities, as well as the preparation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for the city of Juliaca, and communication, and visibility activities, and the Pre-investment Study for the Transportation System in the City of Juliaca, and communication and visibility activities.







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