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Tender Notice Rwanda Urban Development, Rural Development

Consulting, Green City Kigali

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Rwanda
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201868520
  • Subject Green City Kigali

We herewith inform that the tender process has been CANCELLED because all the offered prices are substantially higher than the available budget. In conformity with the KfW Guidelines for Procurement 2.5.15 “Cancellation of a Tender Process” the PEA will enter into direct negotiations with the lowest evaluated Bidder after consideration of the technical evaluation for eligibility to open the financial bid.


Green City Kigali is a sustainable urban development project spearheaded by Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA), with the financial support of the German Development Cooperation through KfW Development Bank, to undertake a feasibility study and masterplan competition for the 600 hectare Kinyinya Hill area of Kigali together with funding towards the construction of a first affordable housing pilot within the designated project area of 18 hectares. Funding for the construction phase of the pilot phase has been secured.

Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA) has commissioned Sweco, one of Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy companies, to carry out a feasibility study of the ambitious urban development project. The feasibility study plays a pivotal role in laying the groundwork for the implementation of the Green City Kigali and the future construction of the envisaged pilot development.

As stated in the project brief, Green City Kigali seeks to address the three main challenges faced by the housing market in Kigali - housing affordability, housing supply and urban sprawl as a consequence of hilly terrain, population increase and current patterns of low-density development. The ambition is for Green City Kigali to become a transformative project, which by linking affordable housing with climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, will help establish new standards for sustainable urban development that can be replicated elsewhere in Rwanda and beyond. The aim is to create a compact, mixed-use development with a pedestrian focus that will provide its residents with public open space, neighbourhood facilities and local employment opportunities to encourage an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable community.

Through the design competition, the selection process is seeking to appoint an experienced and suitably qualified Urban and Architectural Design Consultant organisation (and their assembled multi-disciplinary sub-consultant team) to further develop their masterplan proposals for the 600ha Kinyinya Hill area, together with a detailed masterplan and associated construction stage information for the pilot   development.

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