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Tender Notice Rwanda Consulting, Public Sector

Consulting Services, Construction and equipment procurement of “Regional Centre of Excellence for Vaccines, Immunization and Health Supply Chain Management (RCE-VIHSCM)” building in Kigali 

Tender Award

  • Country Rwanda
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201568237
  • Subject EAC Regional Centre of Excellence for Vaccines, Immunization and Health Supply Chain Management (RCE-VIHSCM)

Brief description of the Contract:

  • The EAC (East African Community) intends to promote regional initiatives to improve global health care. Health supply chain management has been identified as one key component for improving the situation of many decentralized health centres. In that framework the EAC has established a Regional Centre of Excellence for Vaccines, Immunization and Health Supply Chain Management (RCEVIHSCM) to foster these competences. The Centre provides educational facilities for health supply chain management and serves as a focal point for best practice and dissemination of innovation and approved procedures. 
    In cooperation with the German Development Bank (KfW) and the University or Rwanda (UR), College of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Public Health, it is intended to finance a tuition building and related equipment for the RCE-VIHSCM. 

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