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Tender Notice Rwanda ICT

Consulting Services for Software Provider, Digitalization of Local Government

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Rwanda
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201668367/KfW504821
  • Subject Digitalization of Local Government in Rwanda



The main goal of KfW’s activities in decentralisation in Rwanda is to support the local and national authorities in delivering better services across all of the 30 districts.

The Project Executing Agency (PEA), the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA) came into existence in 2013 and was set up as a vehicle for funding Local Government development activities in Rwanda. LODA is responsible for the coordination of all development projects undertaken at the local level. Altogether, LODA focuses on local economic development, social protection, capacity building of local administrative entities, and monitoring & evaluation of the implementation process of programmes in Local Governments with the objective of increasing the capacity of decentralised entities as well as reducing extreme poverty in the country.

Funds have been committed by the German Government through KfW Development Bank (Financial Cooperation, FC) to assist LODA (Project Executing Agency, PEA) for the upgrading of an existing Monitoring-, Evaluation and Information System (MEIS) system. The MEIS covers the entire management of all core functions related to planning, procurement and implementation of Local Government infrastructure projects and Social Protection activities.

The principal aim of this consulting assignment consists of a Software Upgrade and Extension, to improve the existing digital solutions currently operated by LODA in order to make the implementation of local infrastructure more efficient in the framework of Local Economic Development (LED) and to improve the facilitation of Social Protection (SP) activities. The local governments put in the information about projects and beneficiaries into the system in order to get the allocated funds approved and give LODA an insight on what projects they are pursuing in the different districts and how many SP payments are to be processed.

After upgrading the existing M&E solution, a data warehouse shall be created that can source data from a M&E system as well as other systems used by local governments in the context of decentralisation. To be able to analyse the data holistically, a respective reporting solution shall be developed by the Consultant. In order to ensure that the funding invested in the infrastructure is optimised, a customised asset management solution shall also be put in place.

Requested Consultant Services

The PEA is seeking to engage a qualified consultant to perform the services for upgrading an existing M&E solution and putting additional modules for data analysis and asset management in place.

Services are to be provided by a team of sector and subject related experienced international and local experts. The consultant firm shall fulfil its tasks and services largely in Rwanda. The nominated team leader will be responsible for ensuring a well-planned, coordinated and effective internal and external interaction with all concerned participants in order to ensure a timely and successful elaboration of services. Apart from technical qualification, key staff should have adequate experiences in regional, social and other non-technical issues. In order to be able to further develop the existing tailormade solution adequately, experience with using Linux and GeoServer as well as working with PostgreSQL and knowledge of Java are required. Additionally, experience with developing mobile applications and working with microservices will be required. Rendering of trainings and experience in knowledge transfer is also required.

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