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Tender Notice Serbia Project Management, Evaluation

Consulting Services, Accompanying Measure for Promoting Competitiveness in Rural Areas

Tender Award

  • Country Serbia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201770413/KfW510596
  • Subject Promoting Competitiveness in Rural Areas

Project measures: 

The Accompanying measures grant shall support i) MoEcon and associated agencies ii) final beneficiaries as well as iii) PFIs in enhancing essential capacities to achieve the Project´s objective to improve access to financial services for MSMEs as well as farmers, cooperatives and social entrepreneurs in rural areas of Serbia. 

The Services shall encompass the following phases: 

  • a Pr to improve access to financial services for MSMEs (as well as farmers, cooperatives and social entrepreneurs) in rural areas of Serbia eparation Phase comprising detailed needs assessment and concept development – including a gap analysis with respect to what has been/is being developed under previous/current/planned Technical Assistance (TA) programs (by GIZ and others) 
  • Definition of complementary and focused accompanying measures activities for this Project - to be summarized in a Training & Implementation Concept for approval of the Employer and KfW; followed by
  • an Implementation Phase encompassing deployment of agreed accompanying measures and follow-up.

Brief Description of the Contract: The Consultant is expected to conduct the following main tasks:

  • During the initial Preparation Phase, conduct a training needs assessment and concept for a targeted training and support program;
  • Deliver for Ministry of Economy (MoEcon) activities regarding implementation of SME policies identified as priority by MoEcon 
  • Conduct trainings, workshops and other capacity building activities for representatives of MoEcon and respective agencies (such as Development Agency of Serbia, Serbian Export Credit and Insurance Agency, Development Fund, Regional Development Agencies and Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) including for ESG standards;
  • Strengthen digital capacities of the MoEcon through procurement of IT equipment, software licenses and training of MoEcon staff;
  • Support to the partner financial institutions (PFIs) under KfW´s credit line for Promoting Competitiveness in Rural Areas (Banca Intesa, Intesa Leasing, UniCredit and Erste Bank) in marketing and other loan management measures to better target and promote available loan products for rural cooperatives and social entrepreneurs;
  • Assessment of and support to PFIs for gender/women’s specific needs;
  • As required, provide additional support for the PFI’s Environmental and Social Monitoring System (ESMS) already supported in parallel KfW accompanying measures for the banks.
  • As required, quantify and monitor indicators of the impact matrix as well as of BMZ’s standard indicators and support the monitoring and reporting of the PFIs;
  • During the initial Preparation Phase, conduct a training needs assessment and concept for a targeted training and support program;
  • Regular reporting to KfW, including inception report, regular reports on project progress and achievement of project objectives, final report;
  • Project, stakeholder and training management and coordination



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