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Tender Notice Serbia Financial Services

Consulting, Technical Assistance for the Green Economy Facility

Tender Award

  • Country Serbia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201470392/KfW509214
  • Subject Green Economy Facility

Brief description of the Contract:

The objective of the Services is to support the PFI to successfully implement their respective Credit Lines to enable MSMEs, public utility companies and municipalities to finance ”green investments” in accordance with the agreed eligibility criteria and the Sustainability Guideline of KfW Development Bank. The potential investors, especially the municipalities and public utility companies, shall be supported in the assessment of the investments and their eligibility for financing under the Project. In Phase I, only one PFI (Banca Intesa) will be supported.

Requested Consulting Services:

The Consultant is expected to conduct the following main tasks:

  • Review of PFIs current loan identification, appraisal and monitoring processes and procedures for green loan products
  • Training of PFIs staff to raise awareness for “green finance” and to understand the specifics of the new loan product
  • Review of PFIs current marketing concept and strategy for ”green loan” products
  • Assist PFI to design, establish and implement specific environmental protection monitoring and reporting systems and assess the potential investments on a case-by-case basis to establish a baseline and estimate the potential reduction of consumption and pollution of natural resources
  • Conduct simplified audits and impact analysis
  • Analyse PFIs existing ESMS
  • Technical, Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD)
  • Assist PFI in the Disbursement process for the grant funds for sub-borrowers
  • Support to Final borrowers of the Green Economy Facility
  • Support to the Ministry of Environmental Protection

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