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Tender Notice Somalia Building Construction

Consulting Services/Construction Planning, Network of TVET + Service Hubs

Tender Award

  • Country Somalia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201969088
  • Subject Building of a Network of TVET and Service Hubs in Somalia

Brief description of the Contract:

The project aims at creating a network of ‘’TVET+ service hubs’’ in Somalia. The project will be contractually split into Phase I and an optional Phase II as the extension will only be implemented after a mid-term evaluation in year 2. Phase I shall comprise the implementation in Galkayo in year 1 and 2. Phase II shall include the implementation in Jowhar and Baioda in years 3-6 (optional).

Requested consulting services:

The services requested under this assignment are displayed in work packages

  • Work Package 1: Construction planning and supervision (Phase I: rehabilitation works, Phase II: greenfield construction works)
  • Work Package 2: Procurement planning and procurement / tender processes
  • Work Package 3: Compliance with procedures and standards of the financial cooperation
  • Work Package 4: Compliance with environmental, social and labor standards
  • Work Package 5: Financial administration and management of the disposition fund
  • Work Package 6: General administrative support and reporting

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