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Tender Notice South Africa Air and Climate Protection

Consulting Services, Implementation Support for the South African Facility For Green Growth (SAFGG)

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country South Africa
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number IDC RFI: 17/04/22
  • Subject Implementation Support for the South African Facility For Green Growth (SAFGG)




The German Financial Cooperation through KfW has provided a development loan of USD 80 million to IDC for the South African Facility for Green Growth (“SAFGG”). The funds provided shall be extended by the IDC to eligible companies ("Sub-borrowers") with the purpose of financing investments in emission reductions and resource efficiency. Investments supported under the SAFGG shall contribute to the mitigation of CO2 and/or shall have a beneficial impact on environmental protection and resource efficiency such as energy efficiency, water resource protection and water conservation measures.

Requested Services:

  • The Consultant shall support the IDC in the operationalization and day-to-day administrative management of the SAFGG including reporting to KfW and disbursement management. In cooperation with the IDC, the Consultant will be responsible to develop an investment manual for the SAFGG, assist IDC in project identification of a potential project pipeline for support under the SAFGG and marketing of the facility as required. The Consultant shall assist IDC in due diligence of projects proposed by potential Sub-borrowers and assess these against the selection and eligibility criteria of the SAFGG to facilitate the review and approval processes of IDC and KfW. The Consultant shall assist IDC in monitoring of the implementation of individual projects selected for support under the Project and report to IDC and KfW. Finally, the Consultant shall verify whether targeted resource savings were achieved during the first years of operation based on previously developed and agreed methodologies. The Consultant shall support IDC by further developing IDC´s Environmental and Social Management Systems (“ESMS”) and Environmental and Social Due Diligence (“ESDD”) capacities. This will include an analysis of IDC’s ESMS and ESDD procedures, benchmarking IDC’s responsible investment practices with industry best- practice / IFC Performance Standards (“IFC PS”) and development of a gap analysis of IDC’s ESMS against IFC PS. The Consultant shall also evaluate IDC’s SAFGG portfolio regarding potential E&S risks and assist IDC in monitoring projects selected for support under the SAFGG for compliance with the IFC PS. The Consultant is expected to provide ongoing on-the-job training to IDC with a particular focus on ESMS and ESDD.



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