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Tender Notice Tajikistan Healthcare

Consulting Services, Implementation & Accompanying Measures for a Mother-Child-Care Project

Tender Award

  • Country Tajikistan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201468339/KFW504233
  • Subject Mother-Child-Care and Emergency Care Phase VI

Brief description of the Contract:

The objective of the Mother and Child / Emergency Care Phase VI project (the “Project”) is to improve accessibility of all population groups and both genders to basic and sustainable health services of international quality and to strengthen the maternal and child health (“MCH”) reference system for Khatlon, for which the Tajik National Research Institute (“TNRI”) in Dushanbe is assigned as tertiary care referral centre. Through the Project, the TNRI shall be strengthened and upgraded to appropriately fulfil its reference, training and supervisory functions.

The German Government has allocated the amount of EUR 8 million for investment measures and EUR 1 million for Accompanying Measures under the Project through KfW Development Bank. The funds shall be used for the following purposes:

  • Supporting the TNRI for Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Perinatology in Dushanbe through selective investment measures helping the TNRI to better fulfil its role as referral centre for MCH care for the Khathlon Oblast;
  • Strengthening of the referral system for MCH services between both the national and the Oblast / regional Levels and the Oblast and Rayon Level which will would include measures to upgrade MCH services at the Khatlon Oblast / Rayon level; and
  • Providing technical assistance to support the reform process of the hospital sector in Khatlon oblast to improve quality of care of MCH services.

Requested Consultant Services:

The scope of services for the Implementation & Accompanying Measures Consultant (the “Consultant”) comprises of responsibility for the detailed design, procurement and supervision of civil works for the renovation and expansion of the neonatal department and the delivery department as well as construction of a combined central sterilization and supply department and laundry and waste management unit. Civil works will need to be implemented during concurrent operation of the department. The Consultant´s tasks will include the planning and purchase of medical end non-medical equipment for the new facilities. As part of the Accompanying Measures component, the Consultant shall organize trainings in operative and clinical management as well as in the use of the newly procured clinical equipment and other clinical trainings. The Consultant shall also support PEA and TNRI in the strengthening of the referral system in particular through the use of telemedicine in the e-health network of the Project hospitals.

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