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Tender Notice Tajikistan Urban Development, Rural Development

Consulting Services, Rural Development and Disaster Risk Mitigation

Tender Award

  • Country Tajikistan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201768746
  • Subject Enhancing Resilient Rural Development through Adapted Land Use and Disaster Risk Mitigation in Tajikistan

Brief description of the contract:

Tajikistan is the poorest of the Central Asian countries. 39 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line, and 74 per cent lives in rural areas and their livelihood directly depends on subsistence farming, livestock farming and the usage of forest products. As two thirds of the country’s surface area is covered by high mountains, the risk for natural disasters is high, and this risk is exacerbated by climate change. The project therefore aims at enhancing resilience in rural communities through adapted land use and disaster risk mitigation. The project is planned to comprise the following intervention areas: Development of strategies for the adaptation to climate change, investments for risk reduction, and capacity development. Project development is in an early stage and a qualified international consultant will be hired for preparing a feasibility study as part of project preparation.

Requested Consultant Services:

Consulting services are required to support MEDT in preparing a Feasibility Study which will form the basis of a formal project proposal and a subsequent project appraisal by KfW. Applicants should have a track record e.g. in natural resource management (e.g. disaster risk management, erosion control, forest and rangeland management, adaptation to climate change), usage of alternative energy, socio-economic development in rural areas, land use planning, organisational assessments, and preparation of feasibility studies in the context of German Financial Cooperation.

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