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Tender Notice Tanzania Nature and Species Protection, Resources Conservation

Consulting Services, Implementation Support for Natural Resource Conservation Project

Tender Award

  • Country Tanzania
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201567387/KfW506928
  • Subject Sustainable Development of Protected Area Ecosystems in Tanzania (Component 2)

Brief description of the Contract:

Tanzania is one of the mega-biodiversity countries hosting six out of the 25 globally known biodiversity hotspots. The Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) is the government parastatal under Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism with its responsibility to manage and conserve natural resources which are under national park category. The German-Tanzanian Financial Cooperation Project “Sustainable Development of Protected Area Ecosystems“ aims to sustainably manage natural resources in Katavi and Mahale Mountain national parks and the corridor between these two parks. The project shall be delivered under the framework of German Financial Cooperation (FC), implemented by KfW. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) committed for this project up to EUR 17 million and part of it will be used for providing the services of an Implementation Support Consultant (ISC).

The ISC shall assist the project partners in the overall management of the project and shall provide a team of national and international experienced long-term and short-term experts. The experts will be engaged into several issues such as conservation, land use planning, community engagement, income generation activities, infrastructure planning and design (architects), tourism development, procurement and management of environmental & social safeguards. 

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