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Tender Notice Togo Building Industry

Consulting/Construction Supervision, Municipal Infrastructure

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Togo
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201467349/KfW505594
  • Subject Programme d’Appui à la Décentralisation – Phase II (PAD II)


Short description of tender:

Under a financing agreement, the Republic of Togo has received financing in the amount of EUR 12,000,000 (FCFA 7,871,484,000) through German Financial Cooperation (KfW), with an additional EUR 2,008,897 (FCFA 1,317,750,049) provided by the Togolese state and the beneficiary municipalities.

Requested Services:

Consulting services (construction supervision, five lots) in five Togolese cities (Dapaong, Kara, Sotouboua, Atakpamé and Aného) 

In order to support the processes of municipal development that have been initiated, infrastructure measures (construction and rehabilitation of market infrastructures [3 cities], construction of a shopping centre and market infrastructures [1 city] and the construction of a new registry office and ballroom [1 city]) are being financed in the five Togolese cities mentioned above. 

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