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Tender Notice Togo Project Management, Evaluation

Consulting, Project Management (Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights)


  • Country Togo
  • Deadline Nov 18, 2024
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202168904/KfW511666
  • Subject Strengthening of the Health System – Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights Phase III


This program aims to improve the use and quality of reproductive health and sexual rights services by rehabilitating, equipping, and maintaining health facilities (Component 1), providing training to healthcare staff and supporting a quality approach (Component 2), and implementing communication, awareness, and distribution measures at the community level (Component 3).


Requested Services:

The Consultant is expected to assist the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene (MSHP) and the Regional Health Directorates (Central and Savanes) with a team of long- and short-term experts. The Project Director from the Consultant’s office will be stationed at the MSHP and will be part of the Project Management Unit. He will support project coordination at all levels and ensure transparent management of project funds. A team of experts will be stationed at the Central and Savanes Regional Health Directorates and will assist in the implementation of the Project. The Consultant and the Project Coordinator will act as co-managers of the Project’s disposition fund. The Consultant will assist the Project Management Unit in the preparation of funding requests and will co-sign them. Additionally, the Consultant will support the Project Coordinator in managing the Project, monitoring the budget and progress, and engaging in proactive management in cases of delays or budget overruns.






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