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Tender Notice Ukraine Environmental Technologies

Consulting Services, Municipal Water Infrastructure (Chernivtsi)

Tender Award

  • Country Ukraine
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201365899/KfW503954 (Phase 2) BMZ201565332/KfW503954 (Phase 3)
  • Subject Municipal Water Infrastructure Project Chernivtsi, Phase 2 and 3

Brief description of the Contract:

- Update of Feasibility Study for Phase 2 and Feasibility Study for Phase 3

- Separate TEOs (including all surveys and inspections required by the standing Ukrainian law) for Phase 2 and Phase 3 and their subsequent approval by the Ukrainian State Expertise

- Elaboration of a concept and a feasibility study on connection of the amalgamated communities around Chernivtsi to the water main. This project shall be treated as a separate one from the existing loan projects and shall be financed upon availability of the grant funds

- Optional Service – Detailed Design (including all surveys, inspections and ESMP) in full accordance with the standing Ukrainian law, preparation of Tender Documents (including Stage P and Stage R documents) Phase 2 and Phase 3 and

- Optional Service – Construction Supervision Phase 2 and Phase 3.

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