Tender Notice Ukraine Vocational Education
Consulting Services, Project Implementation Consultant (Vocational Technical Educational Institutions)
Tender with Postqualification
Mar 14, 2025
- Country Ukraine
- Deadline May 05, 2025
- Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
- Reference Number BMZ202167963/KfW511552
- Subject Vocational training in the Eastern Partnership, Phase II
Description of the project:
Two existing State Vocational Technical Educational Institutions shall be developed to the Centers of Excellence (CoE):
• "Chernivtsi Vocational Machine-Building Lyceum"
• "Lviv Interregional Higher Vocational School of Railway Transport"
The CoEs offer high-quality, practice-oriented vocational training that is relevant to the labour market and thus improve the employability of graduates. The modernized CoEs shall be energy efficient, shall provide comfortable and accessible conditions for both students and teachers, shall be equipped with modern equipment in accordance to training priorities, and act as lighthouse schools. In addition to the investments, the Project will also include supporting measures like the introduction of school development plans, new occupations and curricula and marketing measures.
Requested Services:
The implementation consultant will assist the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund (USIF) with a comprehensive and well-coordinated implementation of the Project. The Consultant’s task is to support the implementation of the project in a way that also builds capacities in the participating TVET schools that enables them to become lighthouses and guarantee sustainability of the project results. The consultant is to be composed by international and Ukrainian staff, the construction supervision is to be subcontracted to Nadzor-consultants. Experience in Ukraine is a pre-requisite.
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