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Tender Notice Uzbekistan Financial Services

Consulting Services, Accompanying Measures for Financial Sector Programme (MSME Financing)

Tender Award

  • Country Uzbekistan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201870419/BMZ201970052/KfW506350
  • Subject Financial Sector Programme MSME Financing - Accompanying Measures

Brief description of the Contract:

The current state of the financial sector in Uzbekistan is constraining an inclusive growth of the economy. This affects Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in general and in particular those located in rural areas and the agricultural sector. In consequence, these enterprises cannot finance required investments and are not able to develop their full potential by increasing productivity.

In this context, KfW on behalf of the German Government is planning to provide funds comprising an investment component plus Accompanying Measures to the “Financial Sector Program MSME Financing”.

The main objective of the Program is to increase a sustainable supply of medium- and long-term loans to SMEs and to small farmers.

  • Support the PEA in the final selection of eligible PFIs under the Program and the conclusion of channelling agreements with the PFIs; the implementation of the Program including fund disbursements, M&E of Program objectives and results and reporting.
  • Provide capacity building and training measures to PFIs to improve their MSME business mode, credit technology, MIS/risk management and Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) procedures.
  • Support the end-beneficiaries (MSME) of the Program to make them more bankable, profitable and productive and coordinate business development services (BDS) with other national and international institutions.
  • Promote MSME development and the KfW Program through various marketing measures

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