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Tender Notice Uzbekistan Project Management, Evaluation

Consulting Services for Project Implementation (Pandemic Preparedness/Health Sector)


  • Country Uzbekistan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202168045/KfW512055
  • Subject Support to the COVID-19 Response & Pandemic Preparedness in the Health Sector

Requested Services: 

  • Implementation consulting for the "Support to the COVID-19 Response & Pandemic Preparedness in the Health Sector” project; the project concerns strengthening the material, technical and human capacities of the pulmonological and tuberculosis (TB) diagnostics and treatment services across Uzbekistan, including post-COVID-19 rehabilitation of long COVID patients, and improving the national response capability in pandemic situations in Uzbekistan, particularly for respiratory diseases. The aim is to strengthen existing TB/pulmonological hospitals by improving laboratory diagnostics, clinical equipment, treatment routines and data analysis as a contribution to improved pandemic preparedness, containment and prevention.

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