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Tender Notice Viet Nam Epidemic Prevention

Consulting Services, Feasibility Study on Prevention of Zoonotic Diseases through Control and Reduction of Wildlife Trade and Poaching

Tender Award

  • Country Viet Nam
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ209920935/KfW506452
  • Subject Feasibility Study on Prevention of Zoonotic Diseases through Control and Reduction of Wildlife Trade and Poaching in Vietnam

Brief description of the Contract:

The assignment shall result in a comprehensive appraisal report on the feasibility of the proposed project as a KfW-supported investment project. It shall include an in-depth situation analysis of the project framework and natural resource conditions, specify the organizational and technical project design, describe its financial and institutional delivery arrangements, and enable KfW to assess and evaluate in detail the perspectives of its successful implementation.

The preliminary project objective is to prevent the outbreak and spread of zoonotic diseases through (a) the reduction of wildlife trade and poaching, (b) the sustainable management of protected areas, and (c) reducing the demand for wildlife products through awareness campaigns and educational programs.

The project comprises five components to achieve its envisaged objective:

1) Capacity building and improved management of national parks, nature reserves and special-use forests.

2) Governance of forest and wildlife protection, and biodiversity conservation.

3) Control of illegal hunting, trading, transporting, advertising and captive breeding of wild animals.

4) Public awareness on the consumption of wild animals and wildlife products and the management of wildlife farming.

5) Minimizing the risk of transmitting infectious diseases from wild animals and protecting public health

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