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Tender Notice Central Africa Epidemic Prevention

Consulting Services for Feasibility Study and Project Design

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Central Africa
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202268290/KfW55181/KfW510392; 01/2023
  • Subject  Prévention des pandémies dans la sous-région de la CEMAC



Requested services

  • The Organisation de Coordination pour la lutte contre les Endémies en Afrique Centrale (OCEAC) collaborates closely with KfW to coordinate and implement regional projects for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the fight against neglected tropical diseases in Central Africa. With crucial financial support from the German government, OCEAC aims to expand its efforts by focusing on the modes of human-to-human transmission of diseases. This project, called “Prevention of Pandemics in the CEMAC Region,” aims to strengthen early detection, diagnosis, the responsiveness of national healthcare systems, and regional coordination to mitigate the impact of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, on the health, social, and economic aspects of the sub-region. In this context, a consultant will be engaged to support OCEAC in the design of the project.

For further information and to obtain the prequalification document please contact:

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