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Tender Notice Central America Nature and Species Protection, Resources Conservation

Consulting Services, Integrated Management of Natural Resources with Indigenous Peoples in Central America

Tender Award

  • Country Central America
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201968569
  • Subject Integrated Management of Natural Resources with Indigenous Peoples in Central America II (PMRN II) Program"

Program Objective

"Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and peasant communities contribute to the conservation of strategic ecosystems in Central America, ensuring their livelihoods and strengthening their governance."

The objective of the Program is expected to be achieved through the following results (Outputs):

- Protection of strategic ecosystems in Areas under Conservation.
- Strengthening sustainable use in areas adjacent to areas under conservation.
- Strengthening the sustainable social and cultural development of indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and peasant communities.
- Strengthening regional capacities in biodiversity governance by indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and peasant communities
- Technical Assistance.

Requested Consulting Services

  • Consulting services will include, among others, accompaniment, advice and technical assistance to ACICAFOC and will ensure the application and compliance with KfW procedures and standards, as well as contribute directly to the management and successful implementation of the Program as a whole

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