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Doctor with a tablet in the hands and office background Doctor with a tablet in the hands and office background | ©

Digital Health

Digital Solutions for Today’s Health Care Challenges

Since 2018, the German Ministry of Health has pushed forward a great amount of legislative actions to digitalize the health care system. In 2019, the German parliament passed the Digital Care Act (DVG) to accelerate digitalization and innovation within the German health care market. The act also paves the way to broad usage and reimbursement of digital health applications – so-called “DIGAs.” These steps open up the German health care market to a digital transformation that will provide 73 million insured Germans access to digital health application on prescription.

Covid-19 – Creating Demand for Digital Health Applications. Check out for the whole article.
An increasing number of teleconsultation providers is already offering their services in Germany. Still, patients remain skeptical. The Corona pandemic is changing this situation.


Telemedicine combines telecommunication and information technologies to provide remote health care and other health-related services. A number of telemedicine initiatives have sprung up in recent years, with about 200 telemedicine projects currently active in Germany. Detailed information about ongoing and implemented projects is provided by Deutsche Telemedizinportal, part of the eHealth Initiative founded by the Federal Ministry of Health. The aim of the initiative is to pave the way for meaningful applications past the project phase into standard care.

“Time is Brain” - Telemedicine Closes Gaps in Health Care Provision
One example that vividly illustrates how digital health is not just about saving money but also lives is the use of telemedicine solutions for the treatment of strokes. Germany has a dense network of stroke units and tele-stroke units. There are more than 300 hospitals with certified stroke units in Germany. Tele-stroke units complement the high quality and comprehensive medical care of strokes in areas where the admission to a hospital with a stroke unit would take too long. Since 2011, tele-stroke units are also certified to ensure the high quality of these telemedicine networks.

Smart Solutions for Heart Failure Management

Smart Solutions for Heart Failure Management
Smart Solutions for Heart Failure Management | © Statista Digital Market Outlook 2017

Smart Solutions for Diabetes Management

Smart Solutions for Diabetes Management
Smart Solutions for Diabetes Management | © Statista Digital Market Outlook 2017
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