Legal Notice
Germany Trade and Invest - Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft und Standortmarketing mbH
Head Office
Friedrichstrasse 60
10117 Berlin
T. +49 30 200 099 0
F. +49 30 200 099 812
Bonn Office
Villemombler Strasse 76
53123 Bonn
T. +49 228 24 993 0
F. +49 228 24 993 212
Executive Board:
Julia Braune, Chairwoman/CEO
Dr. Robert Hermann, CEO
Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Franziska Brantner, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Registered at Local District Court: Charlottenburg
Registration Number: HRB 107541 B
Value Added Tax Identification (Umsatzsteuer-ID): DE267391786
Responsible Party for Content according to Sec. 18 Paragraph 2 of the State Media Treaty (MStV):
Frank Stowasser
Friedrich Str. 60
10117 Berlin
- Questions regarding our services, editorial or technical tips, corrections, comments, and user feedback can be sent to: webmaster[at]
- Questions regarding corruption prevention should be sent to: korruptionspraevention[at]
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Köpenicker Strasse 9
10119 Berlin
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