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Tender Notice Serbia Heating

Construction Services, Rehabilitation of District Heating Substationes

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Serbia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201365766/KfW507194; PROCUREMENT NOTICE No. 401-00-00195/2021-06; Tender 3
  • Subject Rehabilitation of District Heating Systems in Serbia – Phase V


due to the fact, that the price was to high!

Engineering, Supply of Goods and Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations in District Heating Companies (Yellow FIDIC)

  • Lot 1: Engineering, Supply of Goods and Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations in the District Heating System of the JKP Toplana Bor;
  • Lot 2: Engineering, Supply of Goods and Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations in the District Heating System of the JKP Badnjevo Negotin;
  • Lot 3: Engineering, Supply of Goods and Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations in the District Heating System of the JP ELGAS Senta 

incl. permitting procedures, quality insurance measures and workshop about pre-insulated DH pipe technology for the representatives of the Employers

Interested applicants must apply for all three lots, as only one Bidder will be awarded for all lots

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