Your company is already operating in Germany and you would now like to export worldwide?


The Federal State of Brandenburg has developed into a modern, high-quality location and into a driver of economic activity in the German Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg.

Deutschlandkarte mit Brandenburg in blauer Markierung
Deutschlandkarte mit Brandenburg in blauer Markierung | © GTAI

Together, Brandenburg and Berlin are one of the most dynamic economic areas in Europe. With its strong-growing economy the German Capital Region is one of Europe’s most exciting hubs. Its central position in the continent ensures that all the growing markets in Europe are only a one-day truck drive away.

The unique mix of the many positive locational factors - an excellent infrastructure, high-level science and research competence, qualified and motivated specialists, innovative creativity, cultural highlights and scenic beauty - makes Brandenburg an attractive investment location. Many global players have already settled there, for example ArcelorMittal, Mercedes Benz, Rolls-Royce, Swiss Krono, Thermo Fisher, Vestas and VW.

International corporations and innovative SMEs find excellent foundations in Brandenburg for their economic development. A wide range of commercial, industrial and office spaces are available in the best locations and at reasonable prices. Trade taxes are also very favourable. Furthermore, Brandenburg offers one of the best financial supporting structures in Europe.

Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB) is the central point of contact for investors, companies based in the state of Brandenburg and technology-oriented start-ups. WFBB offers a broad array of services for economic development and the promotion of employment: From supporting a company’s establishment and its expansion to promoting innovation, internationalization and networking as well as the acquisition and qualification of a skilled workforce. As Energy Agency of the State of Brandenburg, WFBB is also closely linked to the implementation of the state’s energy strategy. WFBB also supports the development of sector-specific innovation clusters in the state of Brandenburg and the German Capital Region.

Oxford PV factory Germany, Photo Frank Averdung ( Oxford PV factory Germany, Photo Frank Averdung ( | © Oxford PV | GTAI

"We have been based in Brandenburg an der Havel since 2016 and we are thrilled with the progress we have made towards developing our perovskite solar cells, which will be critical for delivering affordable, clean energy. We are on track to reach our target of large-scale production in 2022, bringing the world one step closer to finding a much-needed solution to the climate change crisis” (2021)

Frank P. Averdung, Chief Executive Officer | Oxford PV

Meet EVA - the Latest Member of Germany's Growing Drone Sector

EVA is a cutting-edge drone infrastructure company that recently set up shop just outside of Berlin in Wildau, Brandenburg. Here's what they say about where they fit into the German unmanned aerial vehicle market and what Germany and its capital are like as business locations.

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