Your company is already operating in Germany and you would now like to export worldwide?


Wind your way up the Elbe River from the North Sea and you'll find the city-state's bustling port – Europe's second largest – and a major international commercial hub.

Deutschlandkarte mit Hamburg in blauer Markierung
Deutschlandkarte mit Hamburg in blauer Markierung | © GTAI

With tradition going back centuries and increasingly strong ties with Asia today, Hamburg is a major gateway to the world. The river's waters permeate the region, providing its inhabitants with gorgeous tree-lined waterways and lush parklands.

With the wealth, know-how, and connections garnered through maritime trade, Hamburg has grown into the world's third-largest civil aviation center and the heart of Germany's unmatched logistical infrastructure.

Movement in goods is matched by movement in ideas: Hamburg is a leading player in media, marketing, IT, and life sciences. Highly trained employees stream from the region's 20 universities into the workforce to keep these industries competitive, vibrant, and vigorous.

As a magnet for over 3,500 international companies and their employees, Hamburg is an incredibly international and culturally diverse city. The city boasts some of Europe's finest offerings in art, theater, opera, music, and ballet. The new Elbe Philharmonic Hall will only add to this fantastic range of venues and draw more people from around the globe to Germany's "harbor city."

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