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The last 200 years have seen frequent change in Saarland. But change has bred adaptability and familiarity, and the region’s ties with France and Luxembourg have given it special advantages: long-established cultural and linguistic bridges as well as thriving trade and business relations with its neighbors.

Deutschlandkarte mit Saarland in blauer Markierung
Deutschlandkarte mit Saarland in blauer Markierung | © GTAI

Once famous for its vast mining industries, Saarland is quickly becoming more associated with the young technology and IT companies- which makes the state’s focus on innovation a reality worth bragging about.

Other clusters are sprouting or growing among the region's rolling hills, too: in the automotive industry, nanotechnology, biotechnology, communications, processed foods, and ceramics, to mention just a few.

Saarland's ideal position at the center of Europe allows it to serve as a hub for logistics and distribution - over 150 companies in this sector also take advantage of the state's highly efficient transportation infrastructure.

Saarland is, indeed, one of Germany's smallest states. But small – in this state – means fast, as connections between research institutions, government decision makers, and businesses can be made and maintained here quickly and easily. Saarland's traditional culture, natural beauty, and cuisine continue to attract visitors as well.

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