There are many good reasons why the region in the heart of Europe is a top location for globally active companies such as GLOBALFOUNDRIES, BOSCH, Infineon, Volkswagen, BMW, and NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT.
It’s all about the people who are Saxony’s greatest asset. Because – Saxons are exceptionally bright. More than 95% of Saxony’s workforce possess at least a university entrance level qualification or have completed vocational training (OECD average is 79%).
Saxony’s transportation infrastructure is also efficient and solution-oriented – with its dense network of federal expressways, rail lines, three inland ports on the Elbe River, and two international airports. At Leipzig/Halle Airport, the logistics giant DHL provides 24/7 service all year round at its European air cargo hub.
Vibrant industrial branches form the backbone of the business location Saxony. The traditional heart of Saxony’s economy is found in the Chemnitz-Zwickau region. Whether it is mechanical engineering or more than 100 years of "Autoland Saxony," strong and highly efficient industries have evolved from smart ideas and intelligent solutions. The heart of "Silicon Saxony" – Europe’s largest cluster for the microelectronics/ICT sector – beats in Dresden.
Another competitive plus for Saxony – the region is one of the "Strong Innovators" within the EU. The focus of Saxony’s researchers is on intersectoral topics such as lightweight construction, energy storage technologies, automation technology, and future mobility.
Saxony doesn’t just stand for business, dynamic growth, and industry. Products "made in Saxony" with precision craftsmanship and manufacturing tradition are world renowned. These include MEISSEN® porcelain and watches made in "Glashütte/ Sa." And there’s more – Saxony enchants. With a superb mix of a remarkable historical heritage, a wide range of cultural attractions, and great natural beauty – Germany’s number one travel destination for culture enthralls residents and tourists alike.

Many state-of-the-art robotic systems require 5G technologies, but that creates some problems. Dresden start-up Meshmerize has developed an alternative based on so-called mesh networks, previously used to connect appliance without cables. Dresden Start-Up “Liberates” Robots with Wi-Fi: Read the whole article in our Markets Germany Magazine.

"Lancaster University chose Leipzig because this city has everything that is needed to offer students a fantastic time whilst studying as well as longer-plan settlement opportunities.
The support from GTAI was amazing – espe-cially their timely responses, openness, reach-ability and the high quality of information and outputs. GTAI enabled us to quickly hit the ground running. Thank you very much!’"
Dr. Elisabeth Grindel-Denby, Campus Director, Lancaster University Leipzig