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Digital Economy

Debit Cards Continue Popularity Rise in Germany

A leading sector organization says more and more Germans are using contactless options to buy things.

Frankfurt group Euro Kartensysteme calculates that debit cards, known as Girocards, were used for 3.65 billion purchases in Germany in the first half of 2023. That represented a 15 percent increase over the same period in 2022.

“German banks want to use the momentum behind the growing acceptance to accelerate new solutions concerning the Girocard,” said Euro Kartensysteme in a statement. “The long-term goal in Germany is that it’s possible to pay with a Girocard in every situation imaginable.”

Some 100 million Girocards have been issued in Germany. Germans are increasingly using the cards to pay for smaller purchases. The popularity of payments using smart phones and smart watches is also growing, Euro Kartensysteme said.

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