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Artifical Intelligence

More and More German Businesses Using AI

Fifteen percent of German companies are now utilizing artificial intelligence – a marked jump compared with one year ago.

The percentage of businesses using AI increased from 9 to 15 over the past twelve months. That’s the central conclusion of a new study of 605 companies with more than 20 employees commissioned by Germany’s digital industry organization Bitkom.

Acceptance of the new technology is growing commensurately. 68 percent of those asked consider AI the most important form of technology for the future compared with 29 percent, who find it over-hyped. 68 percent also see it as an opportunity in contrast to 20 percent who regard it as a risk and 11 percent who consider it irrelevant.

“German business is increasing the tempo this year with AI,” said Bitkom President Ralf Wintergerst in a statement. “ChatGPT was an eye-opener for many people and caused lots of discussion within companies. That meant that the topic of artificial intelligence received the broad attention it deserved.”

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