CHP Industry
Germany: The Market for Engineering and Energy Generation
The doubling of energy productivity is a central goal of the Integrated Energy and Climate Program of the German Federal Government. The government plans to reach this goal by fostering a strong increase in the use of cogeneration in power generation. Germany is Europe's largest cogeneration market, and its growth potential is vast. 50 percent of total German power demand could be covered via cogeneration technologies. Comparing Germany to other countries, the share of power generated from cogeneration is still low and therefore offers a high development potential. In addition, Germany holds the highest demand for heating. Regarding the development of electricity prices, electricity generation from cogeneration is particularly efficient and attractive. Germany offers outstanding conditions for investors especially in the development and application of high efficiency cogeneration technologies (e.g. motors, turbines, fuel cells, organic rankin cycle) for a range of applications, as power plants, industry, commercial buildings or domestic energy supply.